SHARED "Scientists for Health and Research for Development" tries to overcome some of the information barriers between researchers, projects and institutions in developed and developing countries ;
For the Francophones the web site of "la Faculté de Médecine de Rouen" proposes a page regarding the best medical sites worldwide.
Malaria: An on-line resource, a new malaria web site with excellent images. Includes Diagnosis, History, Prophylaxis and Treatment; there is also an innovative "Test & Teach" self assessment module. An ideal site for Clinicians, Laboratory Staff and Students,
Malaria, History of malaria research and control work with profiles for several countries, including India, Peru, Sri Lanka, and several countries of Africa. Malaria vectors: their biology, ecology and control,
Malaria discussion mail server, is a discussion list for anyone wishing to ask, or to communicate on the general subject of malaria. To subscribe:, type in the message: "subscribe malaria yourname" ;
AFRO-NETS, is a discussion list on health research in Africa. This list has been set up to facilitate the exchange of information between the different networks active in Health Research for Development in the Eastern and Southern African Region. To subscribe:, type in the message: "subscribe afro-nets" ;
ProMED-mail - PROgram for Monitoring Emerging Diseases. A central goal of ProMED is to establish a direct partnership among scientist concerned with emerging diseases in all part of the world.
To subscribe:, type in the message: "subscribe promed" ;
EID - Emerging Infectious Diseases - a CDC quarterly list. CDC's new journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases, is now available electronically. To subscribe:, type in the message: "subscribe eid-toc" ;
WER - Weekly Epidemiological Records - a WHO list. Each friday, World Health Organisation issues the WHO weekly Epidemiological Records, table of content with a brief news flash are available via e-mail. To subscribe:, type in the message: "subscribe wer-reh" .